Eye diseases Expert Dr. Hülya Deveci stressed that there are frequent cases such as redness, irrigation and burr in newborn infants and that such problems may be worrying for new parents. Parents who have health problems in their babies are worried about parents. Deveci, “Redness, watering and burr in the eyes, newborn conjunctivitis, eyelid and eyelash anomalies, as well as tear channel congestion may be a symptom.” in the form of explanations.
“Massage will be effective”
On the other hand, Uzm. Dr. Deveci, newborn tear channel blockage is seen in 6 of every 100 newborn stressed. Deveci, “Following the birth or tear production starts a little later, the symptom that emerged within a few weeks flowing to the outside of the continuous flow of the tears and especially when the morning wakes up to the eye is observed in the eye of redness and burning. This situation usually improves in the first year of life. We recommend that the use of antibiotics and ointments will be effective by applying pressure to the tear pouch with the nose.
“Redness in the eyes, swelling in the eyelids and discharge.”
Exp. Dr. Deveci, “Most often cause chemical irritants, bacteria and viruses. In order to prevent the development of infection immediately after birth, the silver nitrate solution is dripped into the eye of the babies. This can cause allergic reaction and cause redness and juicy discharge. We expect this situation to pass within a few days. This is the most commonly insulated cases of casualties. If not, it causes permanent staining in the cornea and visual loss may develop in the newborn. Another infection seen in the newborn is herpesvirus (herpes virus) infection. Genital herpes virus infection is caused by normal birth as a result of normal birth. It occurs in the first two weeks after birth. It is the cause of keratitis characterized by both conjunctivit and corneal involvement and ulcer development. Permanent corneal damage may develop with antiviral drugs should be treated. “