It is possible to get rid of diabetes! – Health News

It is possible to get rid of diabetes Health

It can develop due to many factors such as diabetes, obesity, advanced age, and a sedentary lifestyle. Those who have diabetes have to eat in accordance with diabetes and use insulin injections throughout their lives. Until recently, there was no effective treatment for diabetes, but with the developing technology, it became possible to solve diabetes. You can get rid of diabetes with metabolic surgery.


Patients who had diabetes years ago and had to use insulin injections until today regained their health with metabolic surgery. General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Hasan Ökmen: “Our patients are very satisfied, they stopped using insulin, they sleep more comfortably at night. This is the first time we have performed such a surgery for diabetes. Our aim here is to save these patients from these additional diseases rather than weakening them,” he said.


Metin Ceylan, 49, and Leman Kılıç, 43, whose sugar value reached very high figures, used insulin injections for years in this process. On the other hand, Ceylan and Kılıç, who were in search of struggling with their diseases, applied to the Istanbul Training and Research Hospital. Ceylan and Kılıç, who learned that they could have metabolic surgery here, started to prepare for their surgery. Deputy Chief Physician of the hospital, General Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Ceylan and Kılıç regained their health after the first operations in the hospital performed by Hasan Ökmen. Kiss. Dr. Ökmen gave information on operations and processes.



Speaking about the successful operations performed at the hospital, Istanbul Training and Research Hospital Deputy Chief Physician General Surgery Specialist Opr. Dr. Hasan Ökmen: “We have been doing bariatric surgery for many years. In fact, we medically call it obesity and metabolic surgery. We started the metabolic surgery part of this, and for the last 2 months, we have operated on two of our patients for a serious diabetes disease, which is colloquially called diabetes mellitus. We were discharged without any problems. We terminated our patients’ insulin use and hypertension. These two patients had serious diabetes, our primary goal here was to save these patients from diabetes. That’s why we call it the first in our hospital. Many obesity and bypass surgeries were performed before. But we performed such a surgery for the first time, especially for diabetes.



We have seen that it is seriously successful and we have patients waiting in front of us, and we will continue to apply to them. Not only diabetes, but also hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea syndrome, one of the patients, for example, could not sleep at night without using a device, were people with such serious co-morbidities. Our aim here is to save these patients from these additional diseases rather than weakening them, and we think that we are successful in that,” he said.


Providing information about the condition of the patients after the operation, Op. Dr. Ökmen said: “Currently, both of our patients are very satisfied, they stopped using insulin, they sleep more comfortably at night, their daily life quality has improved. Our first patient was 1.5 months after the operation, and he has not been using any insulin for 1.5 months. She was also taking oral anti-diabetic, we stopped her, insulin and blood pressure medications. For 1.5 months, his sugar and blood pressure have been very regular. Gastric sleeve surgery takes about 1 hour, but the surgeries we perform on these patients take about 3 hours. These surgeries are done outside in the private sector too much and they are made for serious money. Our people may not be able to pay that money. We do it here for free”



Explaining that obesity, which has already been increasing in recent years, has reached higher rates with the pandemic, Op. Dr. Ökmen said, “With the addition of the pandemic in the last two years, citizens could not go out, maybe they could not eat properly, there is a serious increase in obesity. Applications to us have increased a lot. Obesity is the pandemic of our age. We have to take it seriously, when we say pandemic, when we say corona, our people are afraid. But obesity is also a serious risk factor in my opinion. This is the part we call the Z generation lately, and even the next generation is spending their childhood at home in a way. It has come down to a very young age, there are people who have undergone surgery at the age of 13-14 due to obesity. We need to increase some exercise and movement, it is more dangerous in our eyes than cigarettes and people are not aware of it. Because they don’t see obesity as a disease. They can be operated in centers that do not have much experience. We cannot operate on a person whose body mass index does not match, and it is not correct to do so. We believe that it is absolutely wrong, that it will cause serious problems. First of all, they should pay attention to the experience of the centers where they will be operated. How many years have they been doing this job, how many cases do they have? Are the surgeries performed in accordance with the criteria of the Ministry of Health, and if the surgeries do not meet these criteria, they should definitely not be operated on.

Bye Bye To Post-Operative Diabetes And Blood Pressure Pills


Leman Kılıç, 43, explains that her quality of life has improved significantly after the surgery: “I applied because my diabetes was high. I had my surgery on 31 December. Losing weight, walking, everything became comfortable. I do not use insulin. I was using insulin at seven in the morning, at five in the evening, at bedtime. After using these, I also had 3 more sugar pills. I was also taking two blood pressure pills. After the surgery, I got rid of all of them. I advise all patients to have something like this while it exists. I am saved, I want all patients to be saved,” he said.


Metin Ceylan, 49, who expressed the difficulty of his diabetes and stated that the operation provided significant benefits for him, said, “I was also very high in sugar, I was using insulin and 3 pills 5 times a day. In addition, I had cholesterol medication, I was using blood pressure medication. Apart from that, I had sleep apnea and COPD. The sugar, which has not fallen below 550-600 until today, has not been using any medication at levels between 120-150 for a week. After the operation, a life like a newborn began. Because 8-10 times a day a person pierces himself. You torture your own body too much, diabetes is like that anyway. I recommend that they do not stop even for five minutes. He who draws it knows.”

