It is possible to achieve youthful and bright looks.

Eyebrows add depth and meaning to the eyes. Over time, the quality of the tissue around the eyes will begin to decrease with age and this will cause fatigue and aging on the face, especially in the eyes. Low eyebrows can also cause wrinkles in the middle of the eyebrows and on the forehead line. In some cases, there is a slight sagging and the drooping eyebrows go down to the level of the pupil. In these and similar situations, vision is restricted and the person experiences vision loss. The texture of the eyebrows is very soft and weakens over time. This can make people look tired. Besides appearance, it also brings visual discomfort to people.

There are several methods for eyebrow lifting:


One of the preferred method for eyebrow lifting is botox application. Botox eyebrow lifting method is very suitable for people who are afraid of surgery. In the eyebrow lifting method with Botox, the process starts with eyebrow analysis. The procedure is performed by injecting botox into the designated place. Since a special fine-tipped needle is used during the application, the procedure is completed without the person feeling any pain. The redness and swelling will go away on their own without any intervention.


The other preferred method is eyebrow suspension with a thread. This is a very simple procedure because it does not require surgery. The eyebrows can be moved upwards with a rope specially made for this process. The procedure takes about 30-40 minutes and is done under local anesthesia. Since sutures are not used after the surgery, there is no scarring.


It is a focus ultrasound method, also known as HIFU eyebrow lifting method. In this method, electromagnetic sound waves are applied to the eyebrow area. Sound waves help the eyebrow area to renew itself by heating the skin tissue. The number of sessions to be applied may vary according to the low eyebrow of the person. Processing time usually takes about 20 minutes.


Bella eyes are one of the most popular ways to make eyebrows look up instead of tired eyebrows. In the style of Bella eyes, eyebrows and eyes become more slanted than before. This process; It is preferred by people who start to fall from the corners of the eyes, crow’s feet and eyelids. Thanks to the application, the person can get rid of these problems and get the energetic and youthful appearance he wants. At the same time, Bella eyes treatment shows a lifting effect in the face and neck region.

