It is often preferred to get rid of hair! Does hair removal cause cancer?

It is often preferred to get rid of hair Does

The laser epilation process, which is preferred by many people, is quite ideal for permanently getting rid of hair on the body. Does this procedure, which offers various advantages and provides long-term comfort, cause cancer?


Laser epilation is an epilation process applied with laser epilation devices. The main purpose of the epilation process; to send the beam to the pigment called “melanin”, which gives color to the hairs in the body, and to destroy the hair root by burning it with laser epilation devices. It is promised by experts that the hairs destroyed at the end of a certain session will not grow for a long time.


During the laser epilation process, the laser beam sent to the body affects only a certain layer of the skin. Therefore, laser hair removal does not cause any harm to the internal organs. Likewise, it is known that laser epilation devices used in laser treatment do not produce radiation. Laser epilation technology, which is called only as a light source, has no harm to human skin. There are no clinical studies that include laser hair removal causing cancer. At this point, the place where laser epilation will be applied needs to be carefully selected. At the same time, the device to be used in the process and the person who will do the operation are also important at this point. If you have decided to have laser hair removal; You should prefer places under the control of specialist physicians that serve with devices suitable for laser hair removal. In this way, you can get the maximum benefit from laser hair removal.
