Dr. Moon, the children’s outpatient clinic, the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract infection gave information about. 70 percent of infections are viral infections. Moon, in such cases, there is no need for antibiotic treatment, he said. 30 percent of the upper respiratory tract infections are bacterial infections. Moon, such diagnoses are made when the use of antibiotics is necessary, he added.
“COLD And the flu are diseases mixed with each other “
Families complain about frequent use of antibiotics. Naim Ay, “Families, ‘we have recently used antibiotics, again sick’ he complain. However, in viral cases, antibiotic is not beneficial. When bacteria are added to infections, antibiotic can benefit. 2 types of viral infections. flu They are mixed diseases. It is known as colds cold, and the flu is heavy. There are drugs and vaccines against flu microbes.
Especially influenza and corona, viruses such as RSV. In the cold, there is a situation that we call more rhino virus. He has less complaints, the patient survives. In flu disease develops on this disease such as sinusitis, otitis and bronchitis. When bacteria are added to viral infections, your doctor may add antibiotics to treatment. In children with allergies, these diseases can lead to bronchitis. Especially in crowded environments such as schools, children can easily transmit this each other, “he said.
“The vaccine is of many benefits in protection from winter flu”
Applications such as flu vaccine to protect the flu to be protected, the flu is not a specific vaccine or medication. The Moon summarized the ways of protecting children from upper respiratory tract infections as follows:
“Pay attention to hand hygiene, strengthen the immune system, provide plenty of liquid consumption, avoid closed and crowded places, prevent cigarette exposure, do not neglect vaccines, pay attention to the hygiene of sneezing and coughing, pay attention to the moisture rate of the room and take care of the sleep patterns of children.”
“Do not send sick children to school”
On the other hand, adding that sick children should not be sent to school. Moon, “Sick children should not be sent to school both for both sick and healthy children. For the infected child, resting treatment is one of the most important parts of the treatment. In order to protect the healthy child from infection and not to get sick, the sick children should not be sent to school,” he said.