It is in every transfer! Here is the way to prevent sweating

It is in every transfer Here is the way to

He sweats an average of 1 liter per day. This amount of sweat varies from person to person. Other factors, such as eating hot or spicy foods, wearing clothes made of synthetic materials, and being overweight, can cause us to sweat more. In general, our bodies try to sweat more when we really need to. Solutions are sought for sweating, which causes disturbing situations in the social environment. Herbalists recommend using salt soap to citizens who want to solve the problem of sweating, which cannot be avoided in hot weather, in a natural way.


Salt soap is a soap with completely natural content, obtained by compressing ‘Himalayan’ salt, also known as rock salt, in a mold. Salt soap, which contains more than 70 minerals, has many benefits. With the increase in air temperatures in summer, salt soap’s ability to prevent bad odor comes to the fore. Salt soap, which does not foam when it comes into contact with water, unlike other soaps, prevents the formation of sweat odor on the body.



Abdullah Alkan, who has been a herbalist in Eskişehir for many years, mentioned that salt soap is in high demand in these weathers. Stating that citizens who know the benefits of salt soap show interest, Alkan said, “When salt soap is used regularly, it prevents sweating in hot weather. Salt soap needs to be used correctly for it to work, no one tells people about it. Not enough information is given about how to use it. After taking a shower, you apply the soap while your body is damp. You have to do this when you get out of the shower and you need to get out before you dry your clothes. It’s like putting newborn babies into salt. If you dry it, the salt and the minerals in it will get on the towel and it will be useless. The salt particles remaining in the body prevent sweating in hot weather and prevent mineral loss. In addition, salt soap is very effective against skin diseases. As long as this salt stays in your body, it destroys bacteria and viruses. As with everything else, excessive use of salt soap can cause harm. Citizens will benefit if they use it regularly every three or four days. The price of all-natural, additive-free salt soaps is 25 lira, once purchased, they can be used for a long time.
