It is ignored, but its consequences are very serious: What is indigestion, what are its symptoms?

It is ignored but its consequences are very serious What

What is indigestion; It is one of the most searched phrases on Google. Because it is a problem that people of all ages have experienced. In particular, it is known that one out of every four people experience stomach indigestion. There are things to be done in order to eliminate this ailment, which manifests itself with multiple symptoms, especially bloating in the stomach. First of all, the person needs to change his eating and lifestyle habits.

WHAT IS indigestion?

The answer to the question of what is indigestion can be given by making digestion with discomfort. It must be said that it is not a disease in itself. Some people; They experience severe abdominal pain after eating. There is also a feeling of fullness. There are those who encounter this problem every day, as well as those who rarely encounter it.

Indigestion; It is an inconvenience that should be taken seriously. Because there may be a different digestive problem underlying this ailment. People who encounter the problem of indigestion that does not go away; They should see a doctor as soon as possible. In cases where the situation is not serious, it becomes possible to get rid of the problem with lifestyle changes and medications.


People who experience abdominal pain and feeling of fullness; They wonder if this is among the symptoms of indigestion. Symptoms of indigestion can be summarized as follows:

First of all, there is a feeling of early satiety during the meal. In other words, a person who starts to eat suddenly feels full even though he eats very little. Therefore, he has to stop eating. In addition, the feeling of fullness after the meal; If it takes longer than normal, it is possible to talk about indigestion.

Discomfort, burning and bloating in the upper abdomen are also among the symptoms of indigestion. It is possible to say that people who feel a serious density in the area between the bottom of the breastbone and the navel suffer from indigestion. Patient; is disturbed by the intense gas accumulation in the abdomen.

Nausea and vomiting are also among the symptoms of indigestion.

Some people; they actually vomit because of the indigestion they experience. In addition, burping can also be shown as a sign of indigestion.

Indigestion is not a heartburn

Many people; confuses indigestion with heartburn. However, there are differences between the two situations. heartburn; It can be called a pain and burning sensation that can occur in the center of the chest or neck during or after a meal.

In cases of severe indigestion, the patient may lose weight. There is a serious loss of appetite. Symptoms such as bloody vomiting, black stools, swallowing and swallowing problems, and fatigue, which can also be shown as a sign of anemia, may also be encountered. In such cases, the patient should go to the doctor as soon as possible.

