It is claimed that the use of bright white headlights, which have been disturbing many drivers for a long time, is banned except for the factory.
The claim in my economy According to the Ministry of Interior, traffic in the negatively affecting the opinion of drivers decided to prohibit the use of bright white headlamps. It is said that the white headlights that are worn outside the factory with the new regulation will be involved in history.. In this regard, the following is said: “The new regulation will be banned with white headlights, except for the factory, and heavy fines will be applied to drivers who do not comply. As of 2025, the penalty of 9.267 TL given to exaggerated exhaust use is expected to be valid for those who use white headlights. Despite the penalty for drivers who do not change their headlights will be imposed on traffic. With the increase in the audits, the use of external white headlamps will be completely terminated. ”
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Today, important steps were taken on motorcycle -centered. Those who kidnapped According to the news in Milliyet Currently, the penalty of not using a helmet, which is currently 993 TL, is to be both the driver and the passenger, if any. 1,500 TL will be. If it repeats within a year, this penalty 3.000 TL will be. This penalty is not used three or more helmets 9.000 TL will be. In flowing traffic, with acrobatic movements such as “making one wheel”, the racing in the flowing traffic 47 thousand TL The penalty will come. The determination of the acrobatic movement will also be confiscated the 60 -day driver’s license. This period will be two years in the race. In the current situation 18 thousand 677 TL The penalty for the use of motorcycles without a driver’s license will be protected. Driver’s license is temporarily recovered or canceled if the person is driving a vehicle 186 thousand TL will be. In the current situation 2 thousand 167 TL The penalty of passing at the red light 5 thousand TL will be. In case of repetition within a year, penalty in each repetition 5 thousand TL will increase. From the third violation, the driver’s license will be confiscated along with the fine. The seizure period will be 30 days in the third violation, 60 days in the fourth and 90 days in the fifth. If the sixth time is detected in a year, the driver’s license will be canceled.