It is at this precise time that you need to mow in autumn – gardeners shared their secret

It is at this precise time that you need to

In the fall, it is important not to mow your lawn at any time of the day. Gardeners recommend a specific time.

Fall lawn care is extremely important, especially when trying to keep it healthy all year round. At this time of year, mowing the lawn requires more attention than in summer. Temperatures drop, humidity increases, and days get shorter, changing the needs of your lawn.

One of the questions many gardeners ask is when is the best time of day to mow your lawn in the fall. Experts are unanimous: mowing at certain times can help preserve the health of your lawn, while other times can damage it.

There are two moments to absolutely avoid. At daybreak, the grass is often covered in dew. This natural moisture, which remains on the blades of grass, makes mowing difficult and ineffective. Indeed, wet grass tends to stick to the mower, which can cause the blade to block or even damage it in the long term. Additionally, cutting on wet grass can result in uneven mowing and encourage the development of fungal diseases, as accumulated moisture creates an environment conducive to the growth of fungus.

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Mowing at the end of the day, after 5 or 6 p.m., can seem tempting, especially if you are short on time during the day. However, this practice is not recommended in the fall. Indeed, as the sun sets, humidity begins to settle back onto the lawn. Freshly cut blades of grass are more vulnerable to disease if dew sets in too early, because they have not had time to heal properly.

The perfect time is mid to late afternoon, between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. At this time, the morning humidity has completely disappeared and the temperature is mild enough for mowing to be carried out in good conditions. The grass also had time to recover after accumulating moisture from the night.

Mowing in the early afternoon can be a good option as well, provided the lawn is dry. In autumn, midday temperatures are often mild, allowing good evaporation of morning humidity. This is an ideal time to mow because the grass is both soft and straight, which promotes a clean, even cut.

Another tip: it is important to avoid days when temperatures are too low or too humid. If you have had rain recently, wait until the soil is well drained before mowing, to avoid compacting the soil and damaging the grass roots.
