It invites cancer! Pay attention to these when cooking meat.

It invites cancer Pay attention to these when cooking meat

Did you know that burning meat in a barbecue fire causes stomach, pancreatic and large intestine (colon) cancer? Colon cancers threaten the health of many people around the world. This cancer, which can be seen at any age, most commonly occurs after the age of 50. The average age of onset is usually 63.


Colon cancer; When it goes out of the intestinal wall, it can spread to the surrounding lymph nodes first, and then to other organs, especially the liver.

For the success of the treatment, it is necessary to examine the intestines at regular intervals after the age of 50. Although it is possible to get rid of the disease in the early stages, if it is delayed, life threats may occur.

How food is cooked is important to avoid these risks. Carcinogens may occur as a result of burning meat in cooking methods such as barbecue. These carcinogens; can trigger the development of stomach, pancreatic and colon cancer. Therefore, the meat should not be closer than 15 cm from the fire. The longer the meat stays in the barbecue, the higher the risk of carcinogen formation.

In addition to screening methods, it is important for the individual to pay attention to their own health in order to prevent colon cancer. It is recommended to exercise, lose weight, avoid smoking and alcohol, and consume high-fiber, low-fat foods.
