It invites cancer! Here are 7 poisonous foods…

It invites cancer Here are 7 poisonous foods

Cancer, one of the diseases of our age, has turned into a fearful dream of humanity. It has been announced that some foods open the door to cancer. Expert names listed the foods that people love to eat but that cause cancer.


The problem with canned food comes from the storage area. Almost all aluminum cans are coated with bisphenol-A, or cancer-causing BPA for short. It is dangerous to eat tomatoes and other foods with high acidity from a can.


Chips, which contain high levels of fat and sodium, also contain artificial flavors, preservatives and food coloring agents that the body does not recognize.

It invites cancer!  Here are 7 poisonous foods...


According to the research conducted in the USA; omega-3 fats are essential, but on some farms salmon are fed a diet influenced by pesticides, chemicals, antibiotics, and other carcinogens. About 60 percent of the salmon sold is farmed salmon.

It invites cancer!  Here are 7 poisonous foods...

Microwave Popcorn

How popcorn, a healthy snack, is prepared is very important. Stating that there is a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in microwave bags, experts said that many studies have shown that PFOA consumption can cause kidney, bladder, liver, pancreatic and testicular cancers.

It invites cancer!  Here are 7 poisonous foods...


Foods such as hamburgers, hot dogs and sausages play with human health. In general, red meat eaten every day increases the risk of cancer up to 22 percent.

It invites cancer!  Here are 7 poisonous foods...


White flour, processed. Most of the nutrients naturally found in grains are destroyed. Mills cause the flour to be bleached with chlorine gas, which is a chemical.

It invites cancer!  Here are 7 poisonous foods...


Hydrogenated oils are used to keep them fresher for longer. It is found in processed foods, but it affects the structure of cancer-causing cells in the body.

It invites cancer!  Here are 7 poisonous foods...
