“It hurts me”: Brigitte Bardot shares her concerns about Alain Delon

It hurts me Brigitte Bardot shares her concerns about Alain

In an interview with RTL this Friday, the actress and singer spoke about the state of health and the family situation of her great friend.

The state ofAlain Delon has deeply worried those close to him for several months, between his health concerns (cancer, heart problems and a stroke in 2019) and the legal and media heartbreak of his three children about him. Among the worried, we include Brigitte Bardot. In an interview granted exclusively to RTL this Friday 7 June 2024, the 89-year-old actress and singer who is releasing a new compilation of songs was asked about her friend. And unfortunately she was not reassuring.

“Not only do I think of him, but I think that unfortunately, he is very, very poorly surrounded,” she said at the microphone of the radio with the red bonnet, also revealing that she had no contact today. ‘today. “We don’t talk to Alain, it’s forbidden to talk to Alain. But I can, from time to time, hear from him.” Brigitte Bardot said she was worried about the man she considers “like a brother”: “What is happening to him affects me deeply. It hurts me. It [sa famille se déchire depuis des mois] and his illness which handicaps him.”

A family that is torn apart

Alain Delon was placed under reinforced guardianship on April 4. With this measure of judicial protection, a curator is appointed by a judge and assigns him certain important acts, such as borrowing, the sale of real estate, but also the management of the bank account of the protected person. The curator is also responsible for paying the latter’s expenses, we learn from the official website of the public service. This protective measure was decided while the Delon children have been torn apart for several months.

On the one hand, Alain-Fabien and Anthony Delon blame their sister, Anouchka, for manipulating their father and for not having warned them of the deterioration of the Cheetah’s state of health. Anthony Delon notably accused her of wanting to have their father treated in Switzerland to avoid inheritance tax, while the actor would like to end his days in Douchy.

On the other hand, Anouchka has formally denied these accusations and claims to want to take their father to Switzerland for treatment. Conversely, she accuses her brothers of putting their father’s life in danger, and accuses them of having recorded him, without his knowledge, in the middle of a conversation with Alain Delon before publishing it on Instagram. Anthony and Alain-Fabien will be judged by direct summons in 2025 for “use, conservation or disclosure of a document or recording obtained by an attack on the privacy of the life of others”.
