It has led to a global health alarm! Symptoms appear within 48 hours: If it takes more than 3 days, go to the doctor!

It has led to a global health alarm Symptoms appear

Korkut, “Norovirus infectionIn contaminated foods, water and surfaces, close contact with infected people plays an important role in the spread of the disease. Symptoms usually begin suddenly after 12-48 hours of contact with the virus and show itself with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps. In order to control the epidemic, hygiene rules should be strictly complied with, hands should be washed regularly and contact with infected people should be avoided. Use a mask in crowded environments when necessary, “he said.

It leads to outbreaks

Especially babies, the elderly and those with weak immune system symptoms last longer than 3 days, a health institution should be consulted. Dr. Esin Korkut, “Norovirus is a virus and gastroenteritis, that is, causing diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, it is a factor that can lead to epidemics.

Food is transmitted through water and contact


Usually, it is contaminated with foods, water or personal contacts and causes symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea within 48 hours after infection. Especially in indoor environments, without seasons distinction, since we are more in winter, in schools, nurseries and hospital environments, virus can spread through the contact of sick people or contaminated foods and water.

About 48 hours after encountering the virus, symptoms of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea occur. Mild fever can be seen and usually in the form of a juicy diarrhea. Symptoms usually disappear within one to three days. However, in some cases, diarrhea may extend. Especially babies, the elderly, the immune system weak and in pregnant women start to prolong diarrhea, if the bloody diarrhea or fever rises, a health institution must be consulted, “he said.

‘Hygiene is very important’


Korkut stated that Norovirus can spread from food and waters or through human beings. “Hygiene is very important. Especially hand cleaning; After leaving the toilet and preparing food, care should be taken. Tables and other surfaces must be clean. When cleaning foods, it is especially important to wash fruit and vegetables with plenty of water. Hand hygiene should be considered in contact with diseased people. It is recommended to use masks in crowded environments when necessary. Norovirus is a disease that can be transmitted from food and waters both through contact to human beings. Treatment is usually simple and the disease can limit itself. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea passes spontaneously within 48 hours, “he said.

‘Consume fruit suitable for the season’

Hospital emergency

Korkut said that if it is caught in the virus, it should be paid attention to rest, abundant fluid intake and nutrition, “There is no special treatment method; It is recommended to pay attention to rest, abundant fluid intake and nutrition. Antibiotic treatment is not applied because the disease is caused by virus. However, if the disease progresses, fever increases in those with weak immune system, weakness, fatigue, dizziness occurs, crying seizures in children or bloody diarrhea occurs, the nearest health institution should be consulted. Especially in winter, in closed environments, the frequency of contact increases and it is necessary to give more importance to hygiene. Hand hygiene is very important at this point; Water and soap must be used. In accordance with the season, especially fruit consumption and vitamin support should be given importance, “he said.

