It has been rare since the Middle Ages: “Werewolf syndrome” was found in 11 babies! See what was the reason?

It has been rare since the Middle Ages Werewolf syndrome

The Navarra Pharmacovigilance Center identified 11 cases of hypertrichosis, known as “werewolf syndrome”, in babies across Spain. After the detection, it was revealed that each of the children’s families used hair removal medication containing 5% topical minoxidil.

Babies suffering from hypertrichosis develop fluffy hair on their backs, legs and faces. Before the 11 recent cases of “werewolf syndrome”, there were fewer than 100 documented cases.


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Minoxidil is the active ingredient in many popular over-the-counter hair loss medications.

Researchers believe that 5% topical minoxidil used by babies’ parents is absorbed by babies through skin contact or orally, the report said.


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Hypertrichosis is a condition in which excessive hair growth occurs in unusual places on the body. In this disease, which is a very rare condition, fine hairs can grow up to 5 cm. Individuals with werewolf syndrome have excessive hair growth problems on the face, arms and other parts of the body. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for hypertrichosis.
