It has been announced that “Meta Cafe” will be opened for the first time in Turkey.

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With the official statement made today, a “Meta Cafe” will be opened in Turkey via Facebook umbrella company Meta. announced.

This surprising subject by Datça Municipality shared. The municipality conveyed the following about the remarkable development on its official Twitter account: “Meta announced that it is collaborating with Datça Municipality on the realization of a pop-up cafe called Meta Cafe in order to raise the awareness of senior social media users about digital media literacy. Within the scope of the project to be realized in Turkey for the first time after the United Kingdom. It will be established in Datça Port between 18-25 August. In Meta Cafe, senior social media users will be given free training by the instructors on the dangers of spreading false information and unfounded information, and what to do when suspicious information is encountered.


While older social media users will have free tea/coffee at this cafe, they will be informed about digital media literacy by the instructors.” by Datça Municipality According to the sharing, besides Meta itself, MediaWise, İnstanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Communication, Confirmation and DoğrulukPayı support are also available.

Facebook’s parent company Metaappeared last year. The company sees this company and its name as a great future. “Metaverse” was built around the concept. Metaverse, which you can think of as a virtual world, is seen among the infrastructures that can change the future.
