In Sweden, the Systembolaget retail chain has a monopoly on the sale of alcohol above 3.5 percent. Today, the retail chain has over 6,000 employees and more than 450 stores around our long country.
In addition to sales itself, Systembolaget works to reduce alcohol consumption in Sweden.
“It is against this background that Swedish alcohol policy and Systembolaget exist. The goal of the alcohol policy is to limit total alcohol consumption, because research shows a clear connection – the more that is drunk, the greater the alcohol damage.”, they write on their homepage.
Systembolaget store. Photo: Geir Olsen/TT
News today – current news from Sweden and the world
Systembolaget employee warns: “Dangerous”
Therefore, your purchase may be refused
Part of Systembolaget’s work towards limiting alcohol consumption means that they have a mandate to deny customers shopping.
Jannyke Juhnell-Bengtsson, store manager at a Systembolaget store in Stockholm, has previously told News24 that there are three occasions when they have to refuse a customer to buy alcohol.
It is:
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It happens when your purchase is declined
But what actually happens when your purchase is denied?
It depends a bit on the situation. People under the age of 20 must wait until they are old enough to shop in the store. But if you are old enough to shop at Systembolaget but are suspected of, for example, languishing, other rules apply if you are refused.
– Then this person is of course welcome back to the store. You can’t come back at once and try to buy the same thing again, so to speak. It is the longing situation that we deny, not the person, says Jannyke Juhnell-Bengtsson.
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