It grows spontaneously in nature! It is a complete source of healing, but too little is beneficial, too much is harmful.

It grows spontaneously in nature It is a complete source

Many benefits of the fruit, which grows naturally in Sivas and is popularly called “hyssop” or “palm fruit”, have been identified as a result of research.

Cumhuriyet University Advanced Technology Research Center Director Assoc. Dr. Studies conducted by Ebru Yabaş and her team determined that both the fruit part and the seed of this fruit contain important health benefits. Assoc. Dr. Yabaş stated that the antimicrobial activities of the purified aqueous extracts of the fruit and seed parts were examined and that they obtained important results in these studies and said, “We recommend consuming this fruit in certain amounts. Because they may have harmful effects due to the active ingredients they contain. That’s why we quickly prioritized their dose studies,” he said.


Assoc. Dr. Ebru Yabaş stated that hyssop fruit is a source of healing and said, “Especially in recent years, we and our team have intensified our work on the species and endemic plants growing in Sivas. In this study, it is a type of fruit that is also known as hyssop pear or wild pear fruit, especially in Sivas, and is suitable for growing in the Sivas climate and grows spontaneously in nature. In our study, we studied the aqueous extracts of both the fruit part and the seed part of this fruit.

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We identified, purified and characterized these active ingredients. We examined the antimicrobial activity on these. Later, we observed that these solutions in the fruit part have protective activities against infectious diseases. We observed that these have very active properties, especially when consumed in certain doses. When we looked at the seed part and its aqueous solution, we observed that, interestingly, it also had a healing effect against the side effects of these infectious diseases. “In this form, we can actually call this fruit a fruit that is a source of healing,” he said.



Yabaş stated that this fruit, which is a storehouse of healing, should be consumed in moderation and said, “The important thing here is to adjust the dose amount. Because, depending on the active ingredients it contains, we can say that this fruit will play an active role when consumed in certain amounts and in certain doses. When we look at this context, our goal is actually to obtain the juicy juice we obtain from this fruit.” We aim to reveal the healing effect of the phase by developing a product both as a nutritional and food supplement.

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We recommend consuming this fruit in certain amounts. Because they may have harmful effects due to the active ingredients they contain. That’s why we quickly prioritized their dose studies. The side effects of infectious diseases may occur due to the active ingredients of the seed of this fruit passing into the water phase. These side effects may especially include diarrhea. “We observed that this also has a healing effect,” he said.

This content was published by Nilgün Akbıyık.
