It fell from the apartment that was sealed due to the epidemic in China! He died horribly

It fell from the apartment that was sealed due to

A woman who lived with her daughter in an apartment complex quarantined due to Kovid-19 cases in Hohhot, the center of China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, died after falling from the 12th floor.

According to national media reports, the local police unit reported that a 55-year-old woman with the surname Vang fell from the 12th floor and there was no suspicion of murder in the incident.

While the cause of death was not disclosed, the woman is suspected of committing suicide.

After Vang’s 29-year-old daughter, with whom he lived, informed his neighbors of the incident through the messaging application, police and medical teams reportedly confirmed that the woman was dead.

A resident of an apartment stated that in the complex consisting of 3 blocks, the entrance to the building was closed and sealed with steel barriers on October 25, after two people in the block where Vang lived were detected to have viruses.

Vang’s daughter stated in her police statement that her mother had an anxiety disorder.


The problems caused by the strict epidemic prevention and control measures in the country cause public criticism.

The quarantine practice negatively affects the psychological state of citizens as well as the problems experienced in accessing food, necessities and health care.

Last week, in Lancou, the center of Gansu province in the north of the country, a 32-year-old father had to jump over the barriers to take his 3-year-old child, who was poisoned by a gas heater in his apartment in a quarantined apartment, to the hospital.


China is implementing a “zero case” strategy against Covid-19, which aims to suppress cases where they arise and cut the chain of transmission.

The strategy calls for strict and wide-ranging measures, such as quarantine, travel restrictions, mass testing, and restrictions on the activities of businesses in the manufacturing, trade and services sectors.

In addition to interfering with the ordinary flow of life, the measures also lead to discussions in terms of their economic costs. (AA)
