‘It exploded in our country,’ he explained: Prof. Dr. Frightening detergent warning from Canan Karatay! It is the biggest cause of Hashimoto’s.

It exploded in our country he explained Prof Dr Frightening

Famous professor Canan Karatay draws attention with her warnings about both healthy living and diseases. This time, Karatay, who spoke about Hashimoto’s disease, warned citizens who are addicted to cleaning about the substance found in detergents.


Karatay, who drew attention with his statements in his video explaining the cause of Hashimoto’s disease, said, “What exploded in our country? Bromide exploded. Fluoride exploded. Chloride exploded. Toxins exploded. And do you know what exploded in our country? Don’t be angry with me, but the detergents used by these naughty ladies, the disinfectants used by naughty ladies. When all these enter the body, I say it again, we have already said it before, bromide and chloride actually prevent iodine from entering the thyroid and producing hormones, and a reaction occurs in the cells.

We see this a lot, especially in overly meticulous mothers, overly meticulous women and men. How do we understand these? There are two factors. A very high level of anti-TPO in the blood is a sign of an autoimmune reaction in the body. Also, blood symptoms indicating a reaction against thyroid hormone, which we call anti-TG, are very important.

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One of the most important symptoms and one of the most important diagnoses, I always see it in my patients, is Iodine deficiency, which is very common in Turkey! Iodine will be checked for iodine in the urine. Iodine will be checked in spot urine. Iodine is too low. The reason for low iodine is bromide poisoning, chloride poisoning and fluoride poisoning found in toothpastes. Why do we say this? We call this the Halogen family. Bromide, chloride, and fluoride, and iodide, so these are four brothers, three of them are enemy danger, iodine is the healthiest. We will not be afraid of iodine. When these three enter the body, they actually bind to the iodine, which the thyroid uses to make hormones, and prevent it from entering the cells. That’s the whole point.

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Hypothyroidism, chronic thyroiditis, Hashimoto’s all mean the same thing. It is the same and this is a sign that there is an autoimmune disease in the body. “Autoimmune diseases are caused by toxins entering the body, primarily bromide, which initiate all autoimmune diseases…” he said.

