It did Tony Irving when he found out Dermot Clemengers sex purchases

It did Tony Irving when he found out Dermot Clemengers

For a total of 13 years set Dermot Clemenger In the jury for TV4’s major entertainment program Let’s Dance, most of the time together with its colleagues Tony Irving and Ann Wilsoneven those from the world of dance.

But in 2024 it was clear that TV4 broke with Dermot. He himself didn’t really want to call it fired. In a comment on Aftonbladet, he said:

– They had a break and change in the program so they choose a different constellation. The kick sounds a bit drastically. We have had a break and have not been in contact so they try a new path, Dermot Clemenger told the newspaper.

Tony Irving, Ann Wilson and Dermot Clemenger in 2012. Image source: Stella Pictures.

Then it was also clear that Tony Irving would stay in the jury. Calling that the jury was then split as Dermot was removed, Tony Irving said that he and Dermot worked together for 18 seasons and are friends.

“It is obviously sad when a working team ends, but fortunately we are friends and I hope it continues, Tony Irving told to Aftonbladet.

But it wasn’t.

Dermot Clemenger, Tony Irving and Ann Wilson. Image source: Stella Pictures.DEMOT Clemenger was charged with several cases of sex purchases

Fast forward a couple of months-more specifically until early December 2024. At that time, several Swedish newspapers suddenly reported that a known TV4 profile is being prosecuted for over 30 cases of sex purchases. It also emerged that the male profile recognized all sex purchases – except one. The TV4 profile was no less than Dermot Clemenger.

Sex purchases had taken place at Thai massage salons around Sweden. A woman who works at a salon where Dermot bought sex has in interrogation told him that he could sometimes get angry.

– He doesn’t show it in the salon but when he calls he is sometimes angry. Many times he will not come when he has booked, she told us.

Dermot Clemenger acknowledged over 30 cases of sex purchases. Image source: Björn Larsson Roswall/TT Picture

Another woman told her she is feeling terribly bad that she had to sell sex. She had done it to manage financially, and experienced it as very degrading, it is to read in the preliminary investigation protocol as News24 have taken part in.

“She cries a lot and expresses anxiety about having to talk about this topic. She says it was a nightmare to have to perform the services she did,” the interrogator wrote in her notes during the interrogation.

Dermot Clemenger’s search history – he googled that on

In the preliminary investigation protocol, it also emerged what Dermot Clemenger had googled. His search history gossiped that there was a concern with him to be arising – and maybe it said something about what was to come.

Some of the things that Dermot Clemenger googled (all misspellings are his own, ed. Note), taken from the preliminary investigation protocol:

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Clemenger’s search history was revealed in preliminary investigation protocols. Image source: Police’s preliminary investigation protocolsmot Clemenger internationally wanted

Clemenger decided to stay away from the police and the long arm of the law. He left Sweden and thus does everything in his power to avoid a punishment. According to information to Expressen, Dermot must have gone first to England and then to Ireland.

Since December 2024, Dermot Clemenger has been internationally wanted, and his case came up in the TV3 program Wanted. There gave the defense lawyer Johan Eriksson their advice to Dermot Clemenger.

First and foremost, Eriksson does not believe that Clemenger is sentenced to prison in a trial.

– You might think that the court thinks that could lead to prison, but he will not be sentenced to prison, I think. I think there are other penalties, he said.

Eriksson also thinks it is unnecessary to stay away.

– Everyone knows that he has acknowledged these crimes. Should he not start working? Because if he starts working, you will find him in England if he is now – to avoid what?, Eriksson asked.

Tony Irving’s Word on Dermot Clemenger

Tony Irving and Dermot Clemenger go, as I said, “Way Back”. They have been friends for over 30 years. But when the sex purchase scandal broke, Dermot went completely in smoke.

Tony Irving. Image source: Jessica Gow/TT Picture

Tony Irving tried to make contact with his friend and former colleague – without results.

– I can say like this, when everything happened, I MESSE Dermot for Dermot has been polar to me for 32 years, I have known him since he was little, but no, we have not had contact, says Tony Irving for Aftonbladet.

Tony Irving also says in the interview that “Dermot may stand for his” and that he thinks of Dermot’s relatives.
