It destroys liver health! Think before you eat

It destroys liver health Think before you eat

Fatty liver disease is a risky disease in which malnutrition is effective. Fatty liver that progresses without symptoms can turn into very dangerous conditions such as cirrhosis. Laura Brown, Associate Professor of Nutrition, Food and Health Sciences at Teesside University, warns about fatty liver disease over processed and fried foods.


“People need to stay away from most processed and fried things, like sugary foods, cookies, sodas, and juice,” Brown said. “This is because they increase the amount of fat deposited in the liver. But it’s not just sugar that harms liver function.”

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“Foods high in salt increase the risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Processed foods raise blood sugar content, which ultimately increases fat accumulation in the liver. To reduce this risk, fatty processed meats high in saturated fat should also be avoided.”


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  • Cookie
  • processed meats
  • carbonated drinks
  • Fruit juice

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The British Liver Trust says fatty liver disease is “closely linked to being overweight.” Fat accumulation in the liver is also associated with type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and circulation problems. NAFLD carries a risk of developing liver cancer or liver failure.

Warning signs of NAFLD

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  • Tiredness, exhaustion, or a general feeling of lethargy or lack of energy
  • Discomfort in the upper right side of your abdomen.
  • In most cases, there are no “specific symptoms” even if there is a lot of fat in the liver.
  • yellowness of the eyes and skin
  • bruising easily
  • dark urine
  • swelling of the abdomen
  • To feel extremely frustrated and angry
  • Dark black tarry stool
  • periods of confusion, forgetting things, mood swings, or poor judgment
  • skin itching
