It creates a poison effect when put in the refrigerator! 5 foods that should not be kept in the refrigerator

It creates a poison effect when put in the refrigerator

The refrigerator, which is used to store the food bought from the market and the market for a long time, makes our life easier. Those who want to prevent food from spoiling and not to waste their money put many foods in the refrigerator. However, some foods put in the refrigerator put health at risk.


Garlic, which is among the most effective foods to strengthen immunity, is known as a natural source of antioxidants. However, storing garlic in the refrigerator can be harmful to health. When garlic stays in the refrigerator for more than 2 days, it starts to produce bacteria. When consumed in this way, it almost poisons the body without realizing it. For this reason, it is recommended not to store garlic in the refrigerator.

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Turkish coffee, which is one of the most consumed beverages, is put in the refrigerator in many homes to preserve its freshness and aroma. Coffee stored in the refrigerator causes the flavor of the coffee to deteriorate. This is caused by the cold and humidity inside the refrigerator. The best way to preserve the freshness of coffee for a long time is to store it in a glass jar in a cool place.

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Banana is the favorite fruit of people who eat healthy and make healthy recipes. Bananas are usually stored in the refrigerator. However, keeping bananas in the refrigerator prevents them from ripening. It causes it to lose its nutritional value.


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Avocado, which comes to mind first when it comes to healthy fats, has been consumed by dieters especially in recent years. Avocado has numerous benefits for the body. It regulates the digestive system and bowel movements. However, storing avocados in the refrigerator is known as the wrong storage method. Avocado placed in the refrigerator cannot ripen and its taste changes. This also loses its benefit to the body.

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Basil, which adds flavor and color to the dishes, loses all its properties when it enters the refrigerator.
