It cost over 50 million and stars the Ghostbusters star

It cost over 50 million and stars the Ghostbusters star

After the last quarter, Disney wants to cut costs financially. As a result, the group Already removed over 100 movies or series from Disney+ or Hulu. Now new titles have been deleted, which include a sci-fi film that was only released in May.

New sci-fi adventure is forever deleted from Disney+

As What’s On Disney Plus reports, mostly Turkish Disney productions have been permanently deleted. The $53 million sci-fi film Crater was also hit. The genre flick was first released on May 12, 2023 and no longer available as a streaming subscription.

The plot of the film, which also stars Ghostbusters star Mckenna Grace, is about a group of young people who live together on the moon and explore a crater. Soon one of them will embark on a 75-year journey to another planet.

With a Rotten Tomatoes average of 64 percent, the sci-fi film has received many positive reviews. Now, however, you no longer have the opportunity to convince yourself of the crater.

Podcast for series fans: 15 sci-fi highlights starting this year on Netflix, Disney+ and more

In the coming months, there will be franchise replenishments from Star Trek, Star Wars and the MCU as well as lots of other new genres to be discovered on Netflix, Disney+ and Co. In the podcast we take a closer look at 15 innovations that will be launched this year.

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Chaotic time travel, survival struggles on the edge of the universe, gripping alien conspiracies on earth or dystopian societies in the post-apocalypse: the sci-fi series starting in 2023 show how diverse the genre can be.

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