It contains more iron than meat! Healing mix that Lokman Hekim gives to all patients

It contains more iron than meat Healing mix that Lokman

Anemia is one of the most common diseases in society. This disease, which causes health problems such as dizziness, fatigue, palpitations, headaches, causes a decrease in the quality of life. Consumption of foods containing high iron is of great importance in the treatment of anemia. Although it is known that foods such as red meat and spinach are high sources of iron, Lokman Hekim healed many patients with his mixture that turned into an iron mine years ago.


The iron-strong molasses and lemon mixture can be applied for 30 days or 3 months. This cure increases blood cells. Lokman Hekim’s medicine with molasses, which softens the chest, is good for many diseases.


  • Walnut
  • 1 teaspoon ground grape seeds
  • 4-5 drops of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of mulberry


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and consume regularly every day. This cure can be applied for 30 days or 3 months.


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  • Grape seed increases the body’s oxygen carrying capacity and gives energy.
  • Mulberry molasses increases the number of red blood cells.
  • Lemon, on the other hand, strengthens the immune system thanks to the abundant vitamin C it contains, and also helps in the absorption of iron.
