It contains 10 times more protein than eggs and 25 times more iron than meat! It cuts constipation like a knife

It contains 10 times more protein than eggs and 25

The benefits of green lentils, also known as black lentils, are countless. Green lentils, which can be easily consumed in healthy eating habits and diets, are also known to be good for constipation. We have compiled the important health benefits of green lentils in our news.


When asked what the benefits of green lentils are, the first answer that comes to mind is related to the digestive and excretory systems. Green lentils are a type of legume rich in fiber. The health effect of fibrous foods is the regular functioning of the intestinal system.

When you consume green lentils, your intestines will become more active. As a result of this situation, problems such as constipation will disappear.


Green lentils also have an important place in diabetes nutrition due to their low sugar content. Green lentils are very effective in converting the sugar that enters your body into energy. As a result of this metabolic activity, your blood sugar is balanced and your risk of diabetes is eliminated.



Green lentils play an important role for your heart health. It lowers high cholesterol and prevents vascular occlusion. It protects vascular health and prevents the formation of fat in the vessels.



  • Green lentils, which are very high in iron and magnesium, are also the highest herbal source of iron in nature. Green lentils eliminate anemia problems.

  • Green lentils, which are recommended for anemia patients to add to their meals; It is effective in the formation of red blood cells and maintaining their health.

  • Thanks to vitamin B, it protects the health of the nervous system. It also contributes to the healthier functioning of hormones.

  • It is effective in protecting skin and hair health. It heals skin irritations and wounds in a short time. It makes your hair healthier and more vibrant.

  • It helps you lose weight during the diet process.
