It consumes millions! Increases stroke risk

It consumes millions Increases stroke risk

A stroke is caused by blockages in the arteries of the blood flow to the brain. The brain is deprived of oxygen, including the areas responsible for movement and thought. One of the damages caused by a stroke in the body is the drooping of one side of the face. High blood sugar can increase the likelihood of blockages. In a giant study involving 1.5 million people, it was found that the drink consumed by millions increases the risk of stroke.


The American Stroke Association explains: “Over time, excess blood sugar can cause fatty deposits or clots to increase in the blood vessels. These clots can narrow or block blood vessels in the brain or neck, cutting off blood flow, preventing oxygen from reaching the brain, and causing a stroke.”


The study, published in Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, found that “sugar-sweetened beverages [SSB]found that it increased the risk of having a stroke by 10 percent.

In addition to detecting a higher incidence of stroke among people who drank a lot of sugary drinks, it also revealed that people were more likely to have a number of other diseases.
