It clogs blood vessels, triggers heart attack, shortens lifespan

It clogs blood vessels triggers heart attack shortens lifespan

The foods we consume, knowing that they are harmful, deteriorate our health over time and shorten our lifespan. So, what are the foods that narrow the blood vessels that we consume without knowing that they are harmful? What foods trigger a heart attack? Here is the list of harmful foods that constrict your blood vessels and foods that should never be consumed by those who love their heart…


Liquorice is a popular Mediterranean herb. Some people prefer licorice root to treat problems such as cough, heartburn, sore throat. Licorice root contains glycyrrhizic acid, a compound that causes sodium retention.

Although licorice is a cure for many diseases, it can cause high blood pressure when consumed daily for several weeks.


Have you ever wondered why drinking tea or coffee relieves a headache? When you experience migraine pain, your blood vessels dilate and fill with blood, causing pain. When you drink a caffeinated beverage, your blood vessels constrict, removing excess blood and reducing pain.


The fats in cakes, donuts, microwave popcorn, most margarines, biscuits, and cream-filled candies can clog your arteries, as they raise your bad cholesterol.

Fatty cuts of meat can also raise your cholesterol levels.


Sodium has been proven by research to increase blood pressure. When you get plenty of sodium, your body retains water, which increases blood volume. This ultimately raises blood pressure. This increase sometimes strains your blood pressure arteries and can damage blood vessels.

Reducing your processed food intake would be an easy way to reduce your salt intake. However, if you can’t avoid processed foods, you can choose foods that are low in sodium.

Cardiologists who want to protect their heart health, see which foods they remove from their diet lists. Here are 8 unhealthy foods that are the enemy of the heart…


Processed meats such as bacon, ham, sausage and sausage are now a part of our lives. But Jennifer Haythe, cardiologist and professor of medicine at Columbia Presbyterian in New York, says these products shouldn’t even come close. Processed meat refers to meat that has been salted, dried, fermented or smoked to increase its shelf life. Although these foods are practical in the kitchen, they contain dozens of chemicals. Consuming it regularly and in large amounts harms heart health.

Red meat

For steak that’s incredibly flavorful, “It’s full of saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt,” says Dr. Haythe. Dr. Haythe advises all her patients to limit red meat to once a month.


A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that 99.2 percent of people in the world consume more than 2,000 milligrams of sodium each day. (Many health organizations recommend no more than 1,500 milligrams per day.) People who consume more than 2,000 milligrams of sodium per day account for one in 10 cardiovascular deaths. Chips, on the other hand, contain high amounts of sodium. If you can’t give up popcorn or chips completely, try switching to baked chips and lightly salted and buttered popcorn.


Dr. “It’s a giant carb loaded with salt and processed cheese,” says Haythe. If you can’t stop eating pizza, choose the one that is prepared in the healthiest way. Bran dough, olive oil and goat cheese are the most ideal for your health.


table salt

Consuming too much salt can cause problems with blood pressure. If your blood pressure is too high, your arteries can harden and narrow. This increases the risk of heart disease. Dr. Haythe does not add any salt while cooking. Dr. According to Haythe, the type of salt doesn’t matter. Limit your salt intake if you struggle with high blood pressure. Instead of salt, you can choose spices such as cumin, curry, garlic, rosemary.



“Many of these energy drinks have high enough caffeine to trigger an arrhythmia,” he says. monica Energy drinks containing high levels of caffeine, ginseng, taurine and guarana can cause heart rhythm disorders, especially when consumed with alcohol, heart attack, arrhythmia, loss of consciousness and sudden death.


Deep-fried foods may be delicious, but Dr. According to Weinberg, even if the food is veggie, it almost completely loses its nutritional value after deep frying. Hot oil changes the structure of vitamins and antioxidants. Fries are the main enemy of cardiovascular health. Fried foods cooked in the same oil all day, especially outside, load the body with harmful trans fatty acids, accelerating the formation of atherosclerosis.



These snack packs are life savers for many of us. But a small package does serious damage to heart health. Instant noodles with high sodium content can increase blood pressure.
