It causes kidney failure, stroke, brain hemorrhage and blindness! If you’re not aware, every moment…

It causes kidney failure stroke brain hemorrhage and blindness If

Although hypertension can cause complaints such as headache, dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations, pressure in the ears and nosebleeds, almost one out of every two patients does not know that their blood pressure is high, since it usually does not show any symptoms. Acıbadem Maslak Hospital Cardiology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ertuğrul Zencirci said, “It happens that some patients have hypertension, but when they suffer from diseases such as heart attack, heart failure, rhythm disorder, kidney failure, cerebral hemorrhage and stroke. That’s why hypertension has been described as the ‘silent killer’.” says.


The pressure created by the blood carried from our heart to the whole body on the arterial wall is 140/90 mmHg and above, is called ‘hypertension’. While the cause of high blood pressure is not clear in the vast majority of patients, it is emphasized that our faulty habits are effective as well as genetic predisposition and various diseases. So what should we do and what should we avoid against hypertension? Acıbadem Maslak Hospital Cardiology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ertuğrul Zencirci talked about our faulty habits that cause hypertension; made important recommendations and warnings.



Decreased physical activity causes an increase in insulin resistance, stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system and the hormonal system that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance, oxidative stress, inflammation, vascular dysfunction and an increase in the effect of leptin hormone (a protein secreted from adipose tissue). It also increases blood pressure by causing weight gain. Doing moderate dynamic exercise for about 30-60 minutes 5-7 days a week is effective against hypertension.



“One of the most important health problems in overweight and obesity, which is becoming increasingly common today, is hypertension.” warning, Cardiology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ertuğrul Zencirci continues his words as follows: “Due to excess weight and obesity, insulin resistance and leptin levels increase, the sympathetic nervous system and the hormonal system that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance are stimulated, the protein level that ensures sodium excretion from the kidney decreases, and the effect of intra-abdominal fat and pressure on the kidney. is formed. All these cause hypertension by increasing the heart rate, reducing the excretion of sodium and fluid from the kidney, and increasing peripheral vascular resistance. In order to prevent hypertension, body mass index should be 20 – 25 kg/m2 and waist circumference should be <94 cm for men and <80 cm for women.”



While daily sodium consumption was about 0.69 grams in the Paleolithic era, this amount has increased to 4.9 grams in modern times. Cardiology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ertuğrul Zencirci, emphasizing that hypertension develops as a result of our genetically adjusted metabolism, which acts according to low salt intake and cannot cope with excessive salt consumption, said, “Excess sodium creates a problem in the sympathetic nervous system and the hormonal system that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance, and increases the resistance to blood flow. At the same time, our body raises blood pressure to remove this excess sodium through the kidneys. Hypertension develops as a result.” says. Therefore, make sure that your daily salt consumption is below 5 grams.


Excessive alcohol consumption stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and the hormonal system that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance in our body, and can also cause vascular dysfunction by causing oxidative stress and inflammation. As a result, hypertension develops. Experts point out that alcohol consumption should be less than 14 units in men and less than 8 units in women.



Smoking raises blood pressure by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system and increasing arterial stiffness. Cardiology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ertuğrul Zencirci, “It is extremely important for hypertensive patients to give up smoking, as cardiovascular disease is one of the important risk factors.” says.


An unhealthy diet increases oxidative stress, insulin resistance, and as a result, blood pressure. Basically, foods that are low in fat and sodium, and rich in fiber and potassium, lower blood pressure. For this reason, a diet rich in vegetables, fresh fruits, legumes, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, fish and unsaturated fatty acids (olive oil) and poor in red meat and saturated fatty acids should be adopted.

