It can prevent pregnancy! – Health News

It can prevent pregnancy Health News

Acıbadem University Atakent Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Dr. Elif Ganime Aygün says that the most common cause of infertility in women today is advanced maternal age, followed by stress and bad habits.


Again, as an extension of stressful life, it is seen that there is a predisposition to harmful substances such as cigarettes and alcohol. These factors affect both egg and sperm quality. Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Dr. Elif Ganime Aygün talked about 10 reasons that negatively affect women’s reproductive health; made important suggestions and warnings.

advanced age

Advanced age is one of the most important criteria that prevents pregnancy. While the rate of getting pregnant especially in women between the ages of 25-35 is 60%, this rate drops to 30% above the age of 35, and to 15-20% over the age of 40. Dr. Elif Ganime Aygün pointed out that for this reason, expectant mothers should definitely take into account the age period, “Because mitochondria, the main organelle that provides the energy of the egg, decreases rapidly with advancing age. This decrease creates a situation that prevents the quality of the embryo from progressing and being genetically healthy.” says.


It is obvious that bad habits harm every system in our body. “The reproductive system is also very sensitive to cigarettes and alcohol,” warns Dr. Elif Ganime Aygün continues her words as follows: “The female genital system is nourished by the microvessel system and consists of a surface covered with thin moving hairy layers, which we call ciliary structures. Tobacco products such as cigarettes both reduce the movement of these hairy ciliary layers and cause toxic substances to adhere to them intensely. In addition, smoking causes problems in the nutrition of the uterine wall by clogging the small vessels, and disrupts the blood supply to the eggs, leading to premature depletion of the egg reserve. Alcohol also has a negative effect on reproductive health by disrupting ovulation, fertilization and the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall at the same rate.



Poor eating habits are at the forefront of reproductive health as well as many diseases. Dr. Elif Ganime Aygün said, “A body with insufficient reserves will not be enough to grow a new living thing. In addition, it will impair reproductive function by causing problems such as diabetes and blood pressure.” says.


It is more difficult to get pregnant in chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypothyroidism. In addition, studies have found that 63.8% of mothers have a shorter breastfeeding period due to their diseases and the drugs they use, and 13.8% of them experience perinatal loss after the diagnosis of the disease.



Genital infections can prevent pregnancy by causing permanent damage to the uterine wall and tubes. Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Dr. Elif Ganime Aygün draws attention to the fact that vaginal culture and HPV screening should be done before pregnancy planning.


Ovarian reserve is severely affected in patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment for cancer. So much so that 90 percent of the eggs die in cancer treatment. Dr. Elif Ganime Aygün said, “10 percent of these patients are under the age of 45 and the most important issue for a cancer survivor is having a child. For this reason, if the patients who will receive chemotherapy and radiotherapy are married, if the embryo is single, the eggs or sperm should be frozen. Gonad cells and embryo can be stored for 5 years,” he says.


In the surgery of benign or malignant tumors developing in the ovary, sometimes all or part of the egg is removed. This leads to the emergence of the quality part of the egg laying. For this reason, ovarian reserve should be evaluated before surgery and fertility-preserving measures should be taken if possible.


In 5 percent of women, congenital anomalies in the genital tract may occur. It is possible to detect these anomalies with physical examination, hysterosalpingography (HSG) and ultrasound performed in women who cannot become pregnant and then surgically resolve them.

Myomas, Polyps, and Chocolate Cysts

Diseases such as fibroids, polyps, simple or complicated cysts and chocolate cysts in the female genital tract can prevent pregnancy. Dr. Elif Ganime Aygün pointed out that 80 percent of women can get these diseases once in their lives and said, “It is possible to treat such diseases with surgical intervention. In some cysts, medical treatment may also be sufficient.” says.


Congenital defects in the uterus, such as the septum (veil), double uterus and T- or Y-shaped uterus, also constitute an obstacle to getting pregnant. It is extremely important not to delay the resolution of such problems. In the case of partial septums or T-shaped uterine structure, the patient can be given some time before resorting to the surgical method.
