It can make sexual intercourse impossible! 4 unusual problems you should never ignore

It can make sexual intercourse impossible 4 unusual problems you

Like the rest of your body, your genitals can change as you age. Changes in appearance may appear normal. These changes can sometimes cause a lack of libido. Some symptoms may require medical attention.

Often this is due to changes in other parts of the body such as decreased circulation, hormonal changes, changes in the structure of your skin, or a number of other factors.

However, there are other things that can affect the urinary function of the penis, so it’s important to be aware of some changes that may require discussing it with your doctor.


Having a curved penis is normally nothing to worry about, but if it suddenly changes or the curve is more severe than usual, it may be beneficial for your health to have it checked out. Peyronie’s disease that occurs with advancing age; It is a health problem that causes penile curvature and pain during erection due to penile curvature, which can make sexual intercourse physiologically impossible depending on the degree of penile curvature.


If the head of your penis is slightly tighter than normal, it could indicate lichen sclerosis, a skin condition that causes itchy white patches on the genitals or other parts of the body, according to the NHS. Lichen sclerosus is a chronic, inflammatory disease that can affect the skin and mucous membranes in both men and women, initially as ivory-colored, oval and sharply circumscribed lesions, but later on manifests itself with thinning, blisters and plaques on the skin. Lichen sclerosus disease is also known as “Lichen Sclerosis”, “Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus”, “Lichen disease” or “Lichen sclerosis disease”.



The skin surrounding the penis may undergo some changes over time, which can be attributed to less serious causes. But noticing a reddish, velvety patch of skin on the body of your penis can be something much more serious. Dr. Ryan Terlecki says whether the patch is tender or painful and if you haven’t had sex recently, the red spot could be a sign of penile cancer. Other symptoms of penile cancer include thickening of the skin, changes in skin color, lump, small crusted bumps, flat bluish-brown formations, smelly discharge, or bleeding under the foreskin.


If you see blood in your urine in the toilet, it could be a sign of something serious. From kidney stones to bladder and prostate cancer… Blood in your urine should definitely be a cause for concern and you should talk to your doctor right away.
