Vitamins, minerals, together with cold pounds, we started to use reinforcement foods as sugar. You need to think twice before using a nice reinforcement. So it brings more harm than good.
Expert name to Kanal D Main News vitamin He warned him not to be of our health.
Endocrinology Specialist Dr. Alper Sönmez, “They can be extremely dangerous when used unconsciously. It is not a recommended approach to receiving vitamins every day. For example, excessive vitamin A use can lead to deaths, cancer development and osteoporosis. Excessive use of vitamin can interact with the use of drugs.
In addition, if you are using regular medication, experts warn you that the vitamins you receive may interact. It can even prevent the recognition of an existing disease.
You have a disease that causes iron loss, if you prevent it from researching and use continuous iron supplements, you can be damaged and the diagnosis may be delayed. It is important to consult when starting the physician when starting reinforcement foods.