It can last all winter by changing its name! Hospitals are overflowing… Important warnings from experts

It can last all winter by changing its name Hospitals

Experts state that the frequency of upper respiratory tract diseases and the duration of illness have increased this winter compared to last winter. Chest Diseases Specialist Dr. Özgür İnce stated that in addition to medicines, herbal teas, antioxidants and cell-supporting substances that will fight viruses, and Omega-3 consumption are beneficial in getting rid of long-lasting upper respiratory tract infections.


Chest Diseases Specialist Dr. noted that hospitals and polyclinics are crowded due to upper respiratory tract infection diseases. Özgür İnce said, “We are faced with a respiratory tract infection that has recently filled polyclinics and hospitals. Our patients start with a mild sore throat and then complain of postnasal drip, wheezing, burning sensation in the middle part of the chest and bronchi, and an inability to expectorate sputum along with a cough. Rarely, some patients may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Everyone experiences severe fatigue, low energy, malaise, and pain in joints and various parts of the body. The infectious agent is suggestive of flu, swine flu and Covid, but most tests do not show positivity. Despite this, we do not see any additional advantage in knowing the diversity in its treatment. “As a result, we apply treatments that comfort the patient and prevent them from progressing and causing secondary infections and turning into bacterial bronchitis, sinusitis and pneumonia,” he said.


Specialist also mentioned that infections change their names and deteriorate people’s health throughout the winter. Dr. Özgür İnce said, “Fever is a common symptom and if it lasts more than 3 days, it is useful to see a physician. If there is shortness of breath and chest pain, we need to see a doctor again. It is useful to benefit from blood tests and imaging tests in case of prolonged fever, shortness of breath and severe chest pain. There are some precautions to be taken at home and at work, with the priority being the medication prescribed by the doctor. In addition to medications, vitamins C and D and zinc supplements are beneficial. In addition, we can benefit from the teas of plants such as linden, ginger, echinacea, marshmallow flower and thyme. Salads containing plenty of lemon, vinegar and greens, and consumption of yoghurt with meals contain antioxidants and substances that support cells that will fight viruses. Sometimes these types of infections change their name and can last all winter. In order to get rid of these infections, which cause serious loss of work force and productivity, it is very important for patients to consume Omega-3, especially for chronic use, and to take probiotics regularly to protect intestinal health and immunity. “We recommend these practices as support to patients,” he said. (UAV)

