The government with Minister of Health Acko Ankarberg Johansson (KD) At the forefront has proposed an increase in the deductible, which means that the individual must pay more before the high -cost protection strikes.
The proposal means that the cost ceiling for the high -cost protection for the purchase of medicines will be increased from today’s SEK 2,900 to SEK 3,800. It has caused many to breathe strong opinions.
– We see a clear risk that the elderly will be severely affected by the increase in high -cost protection. Drug use is greatest among the elderly and women, which makes these groups particularly vulnerable. Many elderly people have limited financial resources and the increased cost can force them to refrain from the necessary medication, which impairs their health and risks increasing costs in the long run, has PRO’s union secretary Christine Cars-singelspreviously told News24.
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Seniors do not support the health care reform
However, it is not only PRO that has evaded dissatisfaction with the proposal. More people, like the organization, believe that the country’s elderly people are affected when an increase in the deductible strikes against those who are already struggling.
On February 17 wrote Eva Erikssonthe chairman of the SPF Seniors, during a memorandum where the organization clearly describes that they do not support the proposals and at the same time they take the opportunity to see the government’s proposal.
“The SPF Seniors do not support the proposals to raise the cost ceiling in the high -cost protection for medicines to SEK 3,800, the amounts in each step within the so -called high -cost stairs. The SPF Seniors believe that the current model with ongoing index regulation that follows the price base amount works well, ”they write.
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Photo: Pernilla Wahlman/TRRISKERS that can hit the elderly
In the memorandum, the SPF Seniors and Eriksson maintain that the high-cost protection for medicines at present is one of the cornerstones of health care in Sweden and the protection is extremely important for the individual who is affected by excessive costs for prescribed prescription drugs.
“Seniors are the largest consumers of drugs. If the proposal becomes a reality, elderly people with a low pension may be forced to refrain from buying out all prescribed drugs at one time. For those with low pension, the margins are very small – the pension simply is not enough. Already today, many elderly people with chronic diseases find it difficult to get the economy together ”.
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SPF seniors’ harsh criticism
They believe that the result can either be that the elderly do not follow the doctor’s prescription and thus do not receive the treatment that may be required to prevent, prevent or cure a disease. It can also increase the risk of acute illness and that the cost of care in the long run is increasing, which counteracts the purpose of the proposed care reform.
“The impact statement is defective as it lacks observations, analysis and assessment of how the proposal affects public health,” concludes the organization in The memorandum.
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