It can be seen in every woman! He thought it was gas bloating, but a 15-kilogram cyst came out

It can be seen in every woman He thought it

Abdominal bloating is common in society. Fatma Yıldız, 43, a mother of 2 children, also complained of these persistent swellings. Fatma Yıldız, who went to the doctor for swelling in her abdomen, learned that she had an egg cyst of about 15 kilograms as a result of the controls. Yildiz, Assoc. Dr. Esra Nur got rid of the 15-kilogram egg cyst with the operation performed by Tola.


43-year-old Assoc. Dr. With the surgery performed by Esra Nur Tola, she got rid of the egg cyst weighing about 15 kilograms. Yıldız, whose stomach suddenly started to swell at the beginning of this year, applied to the hospital. Fatma Yıldız, who learned that she had a cyst in her abdomen during the controls, said, “At first, I did not have pain, only swelling in my abdomen. But as my belly started to grow, I started to have pain. In my daily life, I had great difficulty in bending, getting up, lying down, turning left and right. When I first went to the doctor, he said that I had gas bloating and that I should come for a check-up 1.5 months later. When I went to the control, I learned that the bloating in my stomach was caused by a cyst, not gas. When I applied to our teacher Esra, she said that I had to have an operation. My surgery went well. My recovery process after the surgery was also very comfortable. I am very happy to be able to move as I want in my daily life after getting rid of a weight of about 15 kilos,” she said.


After saving Fatma Yıldız from a 15-pound cyst, Assoc. Dr. Esra Nur Tola gave the following information about ovarian masses: “Ovarian masses can be seen in women at any age. These masses can be seen in 20 out of every 100 women before they enter menopause, and in 10 out of every 100 women after menopause. In general, 65 percent of ovarian masses can be benign and 35 percent can be malignant. In practice, the most common complaint in women with an ovarian mass when applying to the hospital is pain and pressure in the abdomen. Ovarian masses sometimes do not give any symptoms and are detected incidentally during imaging methods (ultrasound, MR, CT, etc.) performed in patients admitted to the hospital with another complaint.

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Menstrual pain, pain during sexual intercourse, abnormal menstrual bleeding are other complaints that can be caused by ovarian masses. Ovarian masses can sometimes reach giant sizes and present with a feeling of fullness and pressure in the abdomen. Especially overweight women do not realize these masses until they reach a very large size. Complaints such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, bloating related to the gastrointestinal tract due to the compression of the mass or urinary findings may be seen. Especially mucinous ovarian masses can reach very large sizes. Ovarian-derived mucinous masses reaching 30-40 kilos have been reported. Approximately 15 of 100 tumors detected in the ovary are of the mucinous type. Although it frightens people that these masses reach gigantic sizes, they are generally seen as benign. Ovarian masses can reach giant sizes in women without any symptoms. Ovarian cancer may arise under them. That’s why annual gynecological checkups are very important.”
