IT attack: Risk of leaked patient data

IT attack Risk of leaked patient data

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen The company Medi, which sells compression aids such as support stockings, has been exposed to a cyber attack. Archive image. Photo: Thomas Winje Øijord/Scanpix Norge/TT

Patients’ personal data, such as names, addresses and body measurements, may have been leaked after a hacker attack, reports SVT Nyheter Småland.

– Now we are waiting for information from the company about how serious it is, says Jörgen Rolf, head of Region Kalmar County Aids Section, to the Barometer.

The region writes in a press release that a report has been made to the Swedish Data Protection Authority after an IT attack against the German parent company of one of the region’s suppliers. It cannot be ruled out that personal data about the region’s patients has been disseminated.

It is about the company Medi, which manufactures compression aids such as support stockings. Several Swedish regions are customers of the company.

– We do not know for sure if something was stolen, but it cannot be ruled out either, says Alexander Schulat, CEO of Medi Sweden, to SVT.
