It appeared in that country… Infected from the clinic: 6 people died!

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Six people died from pneumonia caused by legionella bacteria, which emerged in a clinic in Argentina’s Tucuman province.

The Tucuman State Ministry of Health announced that 6 people died from pneumonia caused by the legionella virus, and a total of 13 people got the disease.

Tucuman State Health Minister Luis Medina Ruiz told reporters, “We have identified at least 8 more new patients. One of them was from the patients (at the clinic), 2 healthcare professionals and 5 nurses.” said.

Ruiz stated that the last two patients who lost their lives were 64 and 81 years old, and that these people had different health problems.

For the disease that occurred in the clinic called Luz Medice, Ruiz said that all patients were connected to the clinic, and that no patient was seen outside the clinic.

The disease caused by the bacterium emerged last week, killing a doctor and nurse. It was a cause for concern as the disease could not be determined at first.

The Argentine Ministry of Health announced that the lung disease was caused by the legionella bacteria. The ministry noted that studies are continuing on which species it is, but that the legionella bacterium that causes legionella pneumophila infection (legionnaires’ disease) is suspected.

The ministry had announced that the bacterium was transmitted by breathing through water or central ventilation systems, and that the disease was not transmitted from person to person. (AA)
