(Finance) – In November thenational consumer price index for the entire community (NIC), before tobacco, decreased by 0.1% on a monthly basis and increases by 1.3% on an annual basis (from +0.9% in the previous month), returning to the levels recorded in July. Istat reports this. There preliminary estimate it was +1.4%. The rise in the inflation rate is primarily affected by the acceleration of the prices of regulated energy goods (from +3.9% to +7.4%) and the easing of the decline in those of non-regulated energy goods (from – 10.2% to -6.6%).
Support for inflation also comes from price trends Food goodsboth unprocessed (from +3.4% to +3.8%) and processed (from +1.7% to +1.9%), of Transport related services (from +3.0% to +3.5%), dei Non-durable goods (from +0.9% to +1.4%) and, to a lesser extent, those of Housing related services (from +2.3% to +2.5%) and dei Communications-related services (from +1.0% to +1.2%).
In November the “underlying inflation“, net of energy and fresh food, accelerates (from +1.8% to +1.9%), as does that net of energy goods alone (from +1.9% to +2.0%) .
The trend trend in the prices of goods records a trend reversal, reaching positive values (from -0.5% to +0.2%) and that of services accelerates slightly (from +2.7% to +2.8% ). The inflationary differential between the services and goods sectors it therefore reduces, reaching +2.6 percentage points (from +3.2 in October).
The prices of Food, home and personal care goods are accelerating on a trend basis (from +2.0% to +2.3%), as are those of products with high purchase frequency (from +1.0% to +1.6%).
There economic downturn of the general index is mainly due to the prices of recreational, cultural and personal care services (-1.2%) and those of durable goods (-0.6%). These effects were only partially offset by the increase in the prices of regulated energy products (+2.7%), unprocessed foodstuffs (+1.2%), processed foodstuffs, housing-related services and non-processed goods. durable (all +0.3%).
The acquired inflation for 2024 is equal to +1.0% for the general index and +2.0% for the underlying component. The harmonized index of consumer prices (IPCA) decreases by 0.1% on a monthly basis and increases by 1.5% on an annual basis (accelerating from +1.0% in October); the preliminary estimate was +1.5%. The national consumer price index for families workers And employees (FOI), net of tobacco, recorded a zero change on a monthly basis and increased by 1.2% on an annual basis.