“Istanbul ranks 9th in terms of N02 exposure”

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One of the world’s largest technology companies Dysonan important statement made. Accordingly, “Istanbul ranks 9th in the world in terms of N02 exposure.”

The report shared by Dyson on this issue was exactly as follows: While the air quality is decreasing day by day in big cities; Since this situation is felt intensely during the winter months, the importance of breathing quality air in our environment is increasing. Even though we spend more time indoors with the cold weather, we are exposed to polluted air when we go to work, school or shopping, when we spend time in a cafe or when we open our windows to ventilate our house. While we think that by closing our door, we close our house to the pollutants in the outside environment, we lock these pollutants in our house and engage in activities that will affect the quality of the air we breathe at home during the day.

Air pollution affects us all. In researches, it is determined that 1 out of 9 people worldwide die due to air pollution, while it is seen that 6.7 million people lost their lives because of this in 2019 alone. More than 4 million of this number are known to be associated with exposure to outdoor fine particulate pollution worldwide.

Research shows that breathing polluted air increases the risk of heart, lung diseases, respiratory tract infections, and type 2 diabetes. Exposure of expectant mothers to air pollution during pregnancy can increase the risk of their babies being born too small or too early. Polluted air is also associated with the emergence of asthma and respiratory infections in children.


According to the 2022 Air Quality & Health in Cities report, it is seen that the global average NO2 (Nitrogen Dioxide) exposure is at a high level in the largest cities of the countries participating in the research. Istanbul ranks 9th among 20 cities worldwide with a NO2 exposure level of 35.3. When looking at PM2.5 (Particulate Matter) pollution, levels are high in cities in low- and middle-income countries.

Dyson’s Air Quality Research

Dyson, which studies the importance of air quality in the environment we live in, went on a journey to Istanbul with Meteorologist Bünyamin Sürmeli, who wears an “air quality backpack” to measure the pollutants we are exposed to outside and the quality of the air we breathe, and collected air pollution data in crowded and frequently visited points.

Bünyamin Sürmeli’s air quality backpack trip; It took place on a popular route that people living in the city use heavily during the day. Dyson engineers matched the weather sensor and GPS data on his backpack with Bünyamin Sürmeli’s daily activities to analyze air pollution findings.

According to the results, it can be difficult to prevent air pollution in cities because the sources that cause pollution are beyond our control. However, taking measures to reduce exposure to potential sources of pollution provides a significant benefit.


Research results; It shows that activities such as entering crowded environments, walking on busy streets, walking around public transport and traveling by car cause a spike in pollutants such as PM2.5, VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) and NO2.

At this point, choosing roads without heavy traffic to be exposed to less pollution, using bicycles to reduce the number of vehicles on the road, and using public transportation vehicles such as ferries or buses instead of private vehicles can help reduce pollution levels.

It is seen that Bünyamin Sürmeli is exposed to general pollution indoors as well as outdoors. Data obtained by Bünyamin Sürmeli, who works in a plaza on his way to his office, shows an increase in VOCs emitted from cleaning products from fast food stalls nearby.

Similar results are seen when you go to a cafe. While VOC levels turned out to be 16 times the average daily levels, PM2.5 is among the pollutants detected, which can be caused by particles that fly in the air and create dust while cleaning at home.

What Should You Do for Your Indoor Air Quality in Winter?

As winter approaches, we have multiple reasons to make our homes healthier. Especially in the transition from autumn to winter, both allergic factors and winter viruses frequently visit our homes and threaten the health of us and our loved ones.

With the arrival of cold weather, our time spent at home and our activity rate increase, besides factors such as bacteria, dust, dust mite and mold that cause indoor air pollution, winter viruses are added. All these air pollutants can remain suspended in the air for up to thirty minutes, while viruses remain actively alive in the air for several hours.


Spending a lot of time indoors during the winter months causes the spread of pollutants, especially viruses, and an increase in complaints related to chronic diseases. In stuffy and closed areas, the humidity level decreases due to different heating methods and an irregularity occurs in the heat-humidity balance. Low humidity environments create an ideal environment for viruses and bacteria, while high humidity creates an ideal environment for mites and fungus growth. While the ideal ambient temperature should be 20-22 degrees indoors, the humidity should be between 40-50 percent.

Therefore, indoor areas should be ventilated frequently to regulate humidity and air quality and reduce the risk of disease. Ventilation should not be done during times of intense air pollution. If a heater is used indoors, the humidity rate should be taken into account, in the simplest way, water should be placed on the radiators and heaters with the help of a container to ensure moisture balance, or technologies that measure the humidity of the house and provide the appropriate humidity should be used.

It is important for our house to be clean so that the air in our house is clean. VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) from the cosmetics in our bedrooms, personal care products such as hairspray and perfume, the materials used in products such as pillows and sheets, and benzene from scented candles can be found in the air. While cleaning products in the kitchen and living room emit VOCs; Particles can be formed by the emission of smoke and odor during cooking processes.


Carpets produce dust and allergens. Cigarette smoke, burning fireplaces, pet hair, plants we grow at home, interior and exterior paint of the house, electronics and new furniture also pollute the air of the house. For this reason, in addition to frequent ventilation, the interior needs to be cleaned well with the right non-chemical cleaning products.

It is important to have the right cleaning systems to maintain a healthy home environment. The HEPA filters in the technological devices you use for the health of your home are very effective in capturing fine dust particles such as pollen, bacteria, mold, dust mite debris and pet dander.

HEPA filters alone may not be able to remove chemical fumes or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from other gases such as benzene, NO2 and odor. Dyson air-purifying fans are able to capture ultrafine particles and harmful volatile organic compounds in the air, thanks to the combination of a 360° HEPA filter and layers of activated carbon granules.”
