Israel’s prime minister rules out two-state solution

During a speech on Saturday, Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel’s goal is to take control of and demilitarize Gaza.

– We will not stop until our mission is completed. The war against Hamas and ISIS is progressing with one goal, which is to win, says Benjamin Netanyahu.

Furthermore, the prime minister rules out a two-state solution. Netanyahu wants to keep Israel’s ability to go in and out of Gaza. However, an explanation of how the area should be managed has not been forthcoming.

The statement defies Israel’s closest ally, the United States, which has repeatedly expressed support for a two-state solution and advises Israel against a permanent presence in Gaza.

The hospital without electricity and water

At the same time, intense fighting continues between Israeli forces and Hamas.

Aid workers and doctors warn that patients inside the hospitals that have become the focus of the fighting will die if there is not a break, writes AFP.

From Gaza’s largest hospital Al-Shifa in northern Gaza, staff are raising the alarm that there is no water, food, electricity or internet for the more than 600 patients, 17 of whom are babies, who are there.

Al Jazeera reports that the hospital is still under military siege and that it is described as impossible to evacuate children as the situation is catastrophic in the other hospitals in northern Gaza as well.

Israel’s military has stated that they are ready to evacuate babies on Sunday. It comes after reports from Gaza that two babies have died, and more are at risk of death.

WHO writes on X that they have lost communication with their contacts inside the hospital and that they are receiving alarming reports of repeated attacks. Furthermore, they write that people are fleeing the area.
