Israel’s military actions in Gaza meet the hallmarks of genocide, says the UN Special Committee | News in brief

According to the Special Committee, Israel is deliberately causing death, starvation and serious injury. The committee accuses other states of being unwilling to hold Israel accountable.

Israel’s methods of warfare in Gaza meet the hallmarks of genocide, says UN Special Committee. A special committee investigating Israel accuses the country of using starvation as a method of warfare and punishing the Palestinian population collectively.

In its recent report, the committee also highlights the high number of civilian casualties and the life-threatening conditions deliberately inflicted on Palestinians. The report covers the period from last fall’s attack by the extremist organization Hamas to July of this year.

According to the committee, Israel is deliberately causing death, starvation and serious injury by besieging Gaza, blocking humanitarian aid and killing civilians and aid workers with targeted attacks. According to the committee, Israel acts this way despite repeated appeals from the UN, binding orders of the international court and resolutions of the Security Council.

For decades, the Special Committee has investigated Israel’s activities that affect the realization of rights in the occupied Palestinian territories.
