Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett: I am against the establishment of a Palestinian state

Tension is rising in the region Bidens counterattack

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made a statement to Israel Today newspaper. Expressing that he is against the establishment of a Palestinian state, Bennett said, “As long as I am Prime Minister, there will be no such thing as Oslo (the implementation of the Agreement).”

“My stance has not changed”

“I am from the right and my stances have not changed. I am still against the establishment of a Palestinian state and I continue to defend our state,” Bennett said. used the phrases.

Saying that he is not ready to meet with any leader from the Palestinian administration, Bennett claimed that he would not allow political negotiations for the Palestinian state.

“There will be no such thing as OSLO”

Pointing to the meetings of the foreign and defense ministers in his cabinet with Palestinian officials, Bennett said, “Both ministers do not have the authority to take a political step,” said Bennett. “As long as I am Prime Minister, there will be no such thing as Oslo (the implementation of the Agreement).” gave his words.


The Oslo Agreement, which outlines the efforts for a peace agreement between Palestine and Israel, was signed on September 13, 1993, by then Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and then the negotiator of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Mahmud Abbas in Washington.

In accordance with the agreement, self-government was established for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in January 2018 that the Oslo Accord is now “dead”.

Source: AA
