Israeli airstrike on central Damascus – five dead

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During the night of Sunday, Israel fired a missile at the Kafr Sousa neighborhood in central Damascus, Syria, Reuters reports.

The site is adjacent to a large security complex near Iranian buildings, according to witnesses. 15 people are said to have been injured in the attack, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz..

Iranian targets

Israel has for almost a decade conducted airstrikes against suspected Iranian-sponsored arms deals and against deployed Iranian personnel.

Iran has increased its military presence in Syria in recent years, gaining a foothold in most government-controlled areas. According to Western intelligence services, this means Iran has access to thousands of members of Syrian militias and local paramilitary groups.

Wants to disturb Hezbollah

Israel has also in recent months stepped up attacks on Syrian airports and air bases to disrupt Iran’s increasing use of airspace to deliver weapons to allies in Syria and Lebanon, including to the Lebanese militia group Hezbollah.

Israel has declined to comment on the attack.
