Israel: We are ready to strike Lebanon, but we prefer negotiations | News in brief

According to the Israeli Defense Minister, Israel would prefer negotiations with the Lebanese Hezbollah organization.

16:23•Updated 16:27

Israeli Defense Minister by Yoav Gallant according to Israel is ready to fight the Lebanese Hezbollah organization, but prefers to resolve the violence through negotiations.

– We strike against Hezbollah very hard every day and we will reach full readiness for any kind of action against Hezbollah, or to negotiate a solution from a strong position, Gallant says in the ministry’s press release.

Gallant says Israel favors a negotiated solution.

– But if the realities force it, we know how to fight, says Gallant.

Relations between Israel and the Hezbollah organization operating in northern Lebanon have flared since the October 7 attack by the terrorist organization Hamas. The parties attack each other daily in their border area.

Hezbollah says it will not stop attacks against Israel until the country withdraws from Gaza. Several experts have warned that the situation threatens to get out of hand and possibly lead to a new war between Hezbollah and Israel.
