Israel threatens retaliation after Houthi rebels’ Friday drone attack | News in brief

One civilian was killed in an attack on Tel Aviv early Friday morning.

Israel threatens to retaliate against Yemen’s Houthi rebels’ drone attack on Tel Aviv on Friday. A drone sent by the Houthi rebels penetrated Israel’s air defenses, considered to be exceptional, early Friday morning and caused an explosion in an apartment building near the annex of the US embassy. One civilian was killed and several were injured in the attack.

Secretary General of the UN Antonio Guterres has condemned the attack and called on the parties to exercise extreme restraint in order to avoid further escalation of the situation in the region.

Friday morning’s attack happened just hours before the UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that Israel’s continued presence in the Palestinian territories violates international law and that the occupation should stop immediately.

of the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas the office hailed the court’s decision as a “victory for justice.” The extremist organization Hamas, on the other hand, announced that it puts “the international system’s immediate action before the necessity to end the occupation”.

Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu reacted to the ICJ’s announcement by saying that Israelis cannot be occupiers in their own country and that the ICJ’s line distorts historical facts.

Source: AFP
