Israel shot down Hezbollah planes in the Mediterranean

Israel shot down Hezbollah planes in the Mediterranean

The background is the maritime border dispute between Israel and Lebanon over the area in the Mediterranean where Israel recently built a gas rig.

The Israeli army announced on Saturday that it has shot down three drones belonging to the Lebanese Hezbollah organization.

According to an Israeli military source, the drones were soon spotted. They did not carry weapons and therefore did not pose a danger, army sources add.

Israel considers the Iranian-backed Hezbollah group to be its most serious immediate threat.

The planes were on their way to the Karish gas field in the Mediterranean, where Israel built a gas rig in June.

According to Israel, the gas field is located in its internationally recognized territorial waters. Lebanon, in turn, claims that the field is in disputed waters that belong to Lebanon.

The United States as a mediator in the maritime border dispute between Israel and Lebanon

Hezbollah has confirmed that it sent planes to the gas field. According to the organization, the drones were used for reconnaissance.

– The task has been completed and the message was delivered, the organization’s statement states.

Hezbollah is thought to have tried to use its drones to influence the negotiations on the sea border between Lebanon and Israel, in which the United States acts as a mediator.

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz says Hezbollah’s actions are preventing the Lebanese government from reaching a negotiated settlement.

The United States said that the previous negotiations held last week had been successful and that the parties had come closer to each other.

The United States plans to engage with the parties in the coming days and weeks.

On Saturday, the Prime Minister of Lebanon Najib Mikati told the press that encouraging information regarding the maritime border dispute has reached Lebanon’s ears. For now, Mikati refused to give further details until the country’s administration receives an official response to its proposal.
