Israel says it has found several bodies in Gaza, possibly belonging to hostages | News in brief

Israel says it has found several bodies in Gaza possibly

The Israel Defense Forces has urged people not to spread unconfirmed rumors about the matter.

The Israeli Defense Forces, the IDF, says it has found several bodies in the Gaza Strip, possibly belonging to hostages kidnapped by the terrorist organization Hamas.

According to the IDF, troops are currently operating in the area and are working to identify the bodies. This will take several hours.

The IDF has urged people not to spread unconfirmed rumors about the matter.

Write about it, among other things the Times of Israel.

Immediately after the IDF’s announcement, a group representing the families of the hostages urged people to prepare for a large-scale demonstration scheduled for Sunday.

– [Pääministeri Benjamin] Netanyahu rejected the hostages, criticizes the group in its press release.

Leader of the Opposition Yair Lapid on the other hand, accused Netanyahu of being only interested in keeping the government coalition together.

– At the same time, he crushes families and the nation of Israel, Lapid scolded.

News channel CNN previously reported that there are a total of 107 hostages in Gaza, some of whom are estimated to be alive and some who are believed to be dead. Of these 107 hostages, 103 are among those taken hostage by Hamas in October 2023.

According to the group representing the families of the hostages, at least 33 of the hostages kidnapped by Hamas are believed to have died.

The news is updated.
