Israel retaliates after civilian killed by Hezbollah rockets – L’Express

Israel retaliates after civilian killed by Hezbollah rockets – LExpress

Magen David Adom, the Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross, announced the death of an Israeli civilian, injured by rocket shrapnel in Kibbutz Hagoshrim, in northern Israel on Tuesday, July 30, after a rocket fell in the north of the country. For its part, the Israeli army announced that it had retaliated by firing towards Lebanon.

Earlier in the day, the IDF announced that it had hit about ten Hezbollah targets. in southern Lebanon. Air and ground strikes that reportedly killed one of the members of the Islamist movement who was armed at the time of the assault. The army “hit about ten Hezbollah terrorist targets in seven different areas,” it said, citing in particular a weapons storage warehouse and various infrastructures.

The announcement comes just days after the Israeli Prime Minister threatened to retaliate. This weekend, Benjamin Netanyahu promised a “severe response” to the rocket attack on Saturday that killed 12 young people in Majdal Shams, a town in the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan, close to the border with Lebanon. According to the Israeli army, the rocket was fired from Lebanon by Hezbollah, supported by Iran, something the Lebanese Islamist movement denies.

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Exchanges of fire since October 7

In recent weeks, the IDF has reportedly managed to eliminate several members of Hezbollah, with whom cross-border exchanges of fire have been almost daily since the start of the war on October 7 in the Gaza Strip between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas. Since then, Israeli authorities have counted 22 soldiers and 24 civilians killed by Hezbollah fire.

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On the other side of the border, the toll of the violence between the Israeli army and the Shiite terrorist organization has so far left at least 531 dead in Lebanon, the majority of them Hezbollah fighters but also 105 civilians, according to a report established by AFP from different sources.
