Israel relentlessly shells the Gaza Strip, more than 30 dead in the Nousseirat camp

Israel relentlessly shells the Gaza Strip more than 30 dead

While new tensions are felt within the war cabinet in Israel – Benny Gantz, rival of Benjamin Netanyahu, threatens to resign if by June 8 the Prime Minister is not able to present “a strategic plan” for the war and the post-war in Gaza – the Gaza Strip is still under Israeli bombs. A strike left 31 dead this Sunday morning, May 19, in the center of the enclave, according to a local source.

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Bombing of the Nousseirat refugee camp: the civil defense of the Gaza strip indicates that it was the house of the Hassan family which was targeted by Israel. More than 30 dead and around twenty injured were removed from the rubble.

Artillery fire and explosions resonate in other sectors of the Palestinian enclave, notably in Jabalya in the north or in Rafah in the south, where Israel continues its ground military operation. According to UNRWA, the United Nations agency in charge of Palestinian refugees, around 800,000 people have been displaced again in recent days to flee this area.

Read alsoGaza Strip: extremely intense fighting from north to south of the enclave

More than 35,000 Palestinian deaths

It was in Rafah that two Israeli soldiers were killed, according to the army of the Hebrew State, which also indicated that it had found and repatriated the body of an Israeli hostage kidnapped on October 7. This is the fourth remains identified and brought back to Israeli territory in a few days.

Israel also said on Sunday that two more of its soldiers had been killed during a clash in the southern Gaza Strip.

Gaza’s Civil Emergency Service said in a statement that rescue teams had so far recovered the bodies of 150 Palestinians killed by the army in recent days, with a tally of 300 homes hit by Israeli aerial fire. and terrestrial.

According to the enclave’s Health Ministry, at least 35,456 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli strikes since October 7 and 79,476 injured. Aid organizations have warned of widespread famine and shortages of fuel and medical supplies.

And in this raging war, this completely unprecedented visit since the start of the conflict: the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem is in Gaza since Friday, where he celebrates the feast of Pentecost with the small community of Palestinian Christians.

Read alsoIsrael: Benny Gantz threatens to resign and demands a plan for a post-war in Gaza
