Israel is arming itself at Lebanon’s border – and warning the neighboring country

According to the Israeli military, the IDF, several anti-tank missiles were fired at Israel from Lebanon during the night of Thursday. One civilian is said to have been killed in the attacks and in the past week, Shia Muslim Hezbollah and the IDF have fired at each other on numerous occasions.

Jonathan Conricus, spokesperson for the IDF, released a statement last night with a clear message to the neighboring country.

– We are addressing the state in Lebanon. Do you really want to jeopardize what is left of your prosperity and well-being for the sake of the terrorists in Gaza, says Jonathan Conricus.

The Washington Post writes that Israel, in addition to the military buildup on the Lebanese border, has also evacuated 28 nearby communities in preparation for multi-front war.

Today 06:42

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Hezbollah: “Thousands of times stronger”

On Wednesday, Hezbollah issued its own warning to its opponents, reports the Reuters news agency. The Shia Muslim terrorist group claims to be “thousands of times stronger than before”.

The US has warned Iran, which backs Hezbollah and the Palestinian group Hamas, against getting involved in the crisis and this week deployed two aircraft carriers aimed at deterring any state or non-state actor seeking to escalate the war.

At the same time, life in Gaza is described as a humanitarian disaster. After Joe Biden’s conversation with the President of Egypt, late last night the announcement came that Egypt will now, for the first time since the fighting began, allow trucks with supplies into Gaza.
