Israel, Biden: “One hundred million in humanitarian aid for Gaza and the West Bank”

Meloni vola da Biden dalla Via della Seta allAfrica i

(Finance) – The meeting took place today visit of US President Joe Biden to Israel, in a Middle East increasingly in flames after the raid on a hospital in Gaza – with an exchange of accusations between Hamas and the IDF – condemned as a violation of international law by the Arab world but also by the President of the European Council Charles Michel and other international leaders . A massacre that led Jordan to cancel the 4-party summit with Biden, Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and the president of the Palestinian Authority Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), after the latter had announced his withdrawal. The summit in Amman was supposed to follow the American president’s visit to Israel and was convened to discuss “the dangerous developments in Gaza and their repercussions on the region”, but also to “find a political horizon that will relaunch the Israeli-Palestinian peace process “, blocked for years due to the firm opposition of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the half-hearted American diplomatic action in favor of the two-state solution.

“After consulting with King Abdullah II of Jordan and in light of the days of mourning announced by Palestinian Authority President Abbas, President Joe Biden will postpone his trip to Jordan and his planned meeting with these two leaders and the Egyptian President Sisi” announced the White House, adding that Biden “looks forward to consulting in person with these leaders soon and has agreed to remain regularly and directly engaged with each of them in the coming days.”

“The October 7 in proportion and it’s like 20 times 9/11 – said the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu meeting the US president in Tel Aviv –. On October 7, Hamas killed 1,400 Israelis, perhaps more. This is a country of less than 10 million inhabitants. This would be the equivalent of more than 50,000 Americans killed in a single day. It’s the twentieth of September 11th. That’s why October 7 is another day that will remain in infamy. We saw your support every day. A clear message to our enemies. The world saw it clearly. Your visit is the first by a US president to wartime Israel. Just as the world united to defeat Nazism and united to defeat ISIS, we must be united to defeat Hamas. Israel is united to defeat Hamas. The forces of civilization will prevail for the peace of the region and the world. For the people of Israel there is only one thing better than having a friend like you at Israel’s side, is to have him in Israel.”

“America mourns with you and is crying with you,” he said Biden –. We must keep in mind that Hamas does not represent all the Palestinian people, it has always brought suffering. I want to say one thing to the Israeli people: that they have extraordinary courage and I am proud to be here.”

About theattack on hospital in Gaza Biden said it “looks like it was done the other way.” Asked what makes him confident that Israel was not behind the Gaza hospital attack, Biden replied: “the data that was shown to me by my defense department.”

“Today I asked the Israeli government to accept theentry of life-saving humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza and Israel has agreed that humanitarian assistance can begin moving from Egypt to Gaza”, said US President Joe Biden announcing that the United States is “working in close collaboration with the Egyptian government, the United Nations and its agencies , such as the World Food Program, and other partners in the region to get trucks across the border as soon as possible.” Biden further announced “$100 million in US funding for humanitarian assistance in Gaza and the West Bank. This money – said the US president – ​​will support over one million people displaced by the conflict, including emergency needs in Gaza.”

Biden also announced “a further aid package for Israel, to continue to provide material to ensure that the skies are safe and thus save the lives of civilians. The Ford aircraft carrier – she said – will be transferred to the Mediterranean to exercise its deterrent power and prevent the conflict from spreading.”
